Nearshore staffing: Why is it so popular right now?

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Nearshore staffing is becoming increasingly relevant, as stated in this study where a significant 39% of decision-makers from US and EU companies choose to work with professionals from neighboring countries in the future. But what is the reason behind this trend?

In this article, we will discuss what Nearshore Staffing is and the advantages that make it highly appealing to U.S. and EU agencies.

What is Nearshore Staffing?

Nearshore staffing refers to the practice of hiring employees from companies located in nearby countries or regions.

For example, a company based in the United States may need extra help in a big project, so they have four options to consider.

  1. The first option is to hire talent, but this can be expensive and time-consuming.
  2. The second option is outsourcing within the US, but it can be twice expensive compared to outsourcing to another country.
  3. Offshore outsourcing, but communication and collaboration can fail for the difference in time zone.
  4. And the last option, that is to partner with a LATAM outsourcing company that can help them scale their team fast and cost-effectively, without big difference in the time zone, and allowing smooth communication.

What are the benefits of Nearshore Staffing?

Now that we understand why companies use nearshore staffing as a strategy, let’s dig deeper into some of its advantages.

Proximity and Time Zone Compatibility

Nearshore teams are located in close geographical proximity, which reduces travel time and allows for easier communication and collaboration. Similar time zones facilitate real-time interactions, making coordination and project management more efficient.

Nearby time zones enable more face time.

Cultural Affinity

Nearshore teams are often familiar with Western culture, which can help minimize cultural differences and promote better understanding and collaboration.

Cost Savings

With nearshore staffing, companies can benefit from lower labor rates in nearshore countries while maintaining a higher degree of control and proximity to the project, reducing costs by up to three times compared to onshore.

Skilled Workforce

Many nearshore locations, such as countries in Latin America and Eastern Europe, have a well-educated and skilled workforce with strong technical capabilities.

Reduced Risks

Nearshore staffing can mitigate some of the risks associated with offshore outsourcing. Companies can maintain closer oversight and control over projects, have a better understanding of local regulations, and address potential language and communication barriers more effectively.

If you are looking for a partner to expand your IT team, you can reach out to us. Since 2009, we have been helping our clients to scale up their teams in a cost-efficient and flexible way, so if you have more questions about Nearshore Staffing, we can help you to solve them. Click here to know more about weKnow Inc.