weKnow’s remote working guide to success

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People’s work needs and styles have changed to facilitate never before comforts; as it offers many benefits such as avoiding the dreadful commuting time, saving on corporate location’s expenditure or even the weather getting in the way of work; these are all well-known pro’s associated with remote working, so let us dig in a bit more.

Remote working benefits

Today’s successful fully remote organizations demonstrate beyond having innovative and progressive management how adaptive they really are, the capacity of self-organization, implementing responsive practices to promote a culture of behaviors and openness, resulting in companies that can be transparent in their leading.

We can rely on studies and polls that show more and more each year how much preference is given to remote work.

82% of millennials would be loyal to employers that offer flexibility.

Source: FlexJobs

68% are more interested in a remote job.

Source: AfterCollege

Let us dive into its benefits to understand the success factors of weKnow’s remote mode

Remote work benefits:

  • Save time commuting: Taking into consideration that many take about forty minutes to one hour preparing and commuting to their workplace, remote workers can use this “extra time” as they wish.
  • Helping the environment and your health: By eliminating commuting it avoids the stress of being in traffic and better carbon footprint.
  • Employ the best people: Top talent is scattered around the globe, therefore; regardless of the headquarters location, a company can recruit the best experts!
  • Remote workers are more productive: In simple words workers are not paid for time that is not spent working, making use of their own time efficiently.
  • Flexible schedules: This is one of the main motivators which fuels employee retention, as many studies reveal. In-office jobs are bit stiff, managing your time facilitates being able to have breaks as needed to clear your mind and stretch or being able to push through work to have more spare afternoons with the family.
  • Less absenteeism: let us say someone on your team has a cold, usually a few days later others would start having symptoms as well; how about feeling sick or having a bad stomach? Any minor situation can be better taken care of at home; you can still work and have some extra comforts without affecting anyone around.
  • Remote teams are more affordable: Usually managed with free productivity tools and apps, no utility bills or infrastructure maintenance to take care of.

Many are shaping their present by empowering their lives through this work model and feeling more loyal to their companies, if you want to hack your way through you can read part 2, which will give you great advice on how to Overcome its challenges to become a productivity guru on your job and life.

If you want to hack your way through you can read part 2.