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weKnow line-up for Drupal Camp Costa Rica 2017

We are excited to announce our line-up for the 2017 Drupal Camp Costa Rica. As proud members of a great community in Costa Rica, weKnow is committed to growing the community by sharing information and insights. We also take this opportunity to thank our team members for consistently sharing knowledge with the Drupal community in Costa Rica, as well as around the world in our global outreach initiatives. Here are

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WeKnow Training at DrupalCon Baltimore

After all the hard work we have been putting into building “WeKnow” as a company that primarily focus on training, we are excited to announce that the company is reaching one of its first milestones and that is to provide a training in a DrupalCon. This goal is coming to a reality in Baltimore where we will be presenting Mastering Drupal 8 Development. The training, created by Jesus Olivas and

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