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My First BadCamp

BADCamp 2018 was the first real big event I attended, aside from actively participating in Drupal Camp Costa Rica for three years. Kindly enough some co-workers who had already assisted shared with me their experience which gave me great expectations. In addition, I was excited to sightsee San Francisco and Berkeley. After dedicating this year to front-end, BADCamp sessions left me more than satisfied, with refreshed knowledge and practices. So

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weKnow’s crew landing at BADCamp 18!

Autumn is in the air… and part of the weKnow team is heading to BADCamp18, each one of them excited to share experiences, our team culture and contribute to strengthening ties among the members of the Drupal community. ![badcamp](/sites/default/files/inline-images/BADCamp%202018%20weKnow%20Team-%5Bpost-image%5D.jpg) This is a very special BADCamp edition as it sets a milestone in weKnow’s journey. Back in 2011, this was one of the first Drupal events that we attended in the

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weKnow’s remote working guide to success

People’s work needs and styles have changed to facilitate never before comforts; as it offers many benefits such as avoiding the dreadful commuting time, saving on corporate location’s expenditure or even the weather getting in the way of work; these are all well-known pro’s associated with remote working, so let us dig in a bit more. Today’s successful fully remote organizations demonstrate beyond having innovative and progressive management how adaptive

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Our line-up for Drupal Camp Costa Rica 2018

We were thrilled to share our team’s knowledge with the rest of the attendees at Drupal Camp Costa Rica. This year we had 220 participants between students and professionals from a wide range of fields. One of the key goals of Drupal Camp Costa Rica is to spread the word on Drupal and its surrounding technologies, which is why the majority of the sessions were targeted for beginners. That said,

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DrupalCamp Singapore 2018 Recap

Last week I was honored with the opportunity to participate in DrupalCamp Singapore 2018 as their Keynote. I want to extend a big thank you to the organization of the Singaporean community lead by SolihinJinata a.k.a. SJ from Pixel Onion for this great event. Pixel Onion Headquarters My Keynote wasn’t about how fantastic Drupal is, actually it was more about how awesome Drupal is to let us have the opportunities

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JS Conf Australia 2018 Recap

Last week I attended my second JS conference ever since my time at Backbone Conference 2014. This was a completely different experience, since I have been working in earnest for about 18 months on JS platforms to build and deliver products. During this time I’ve been using mostly Meteor, which is a Mongo + NodeJS framework, plus React. Javascript and its surrounding community is definitely thriving in terms of innovation,

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