Costa Rica as a IT Staff Augmentation Hub

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If you’ve been thinking about investing in technical staff augmentation or nearshore software development services at your company, you may be wondering what your best option is. Should you turn to staff augmentation and nearshore software development companies in India? Eastern Europe? China?

The answer may be closer to home than you think. Costa Rica offers a number of competitive advantages for companies looking to outsource their development projects, IT support, and much more. Read on and see why you should choose Costa Rica as your nearshore software development and technical staff augmentation home.

1. Same Time Zone

If your company is based in North America, it can be difficult to work effectively with companies located far away, which may be in time zones that are hours ahead (or behind) your own. Meetings and check-ins can be very hard to schedule.

But Costa Rica is in the Central Standard Time Zone, which means that it’s only 2 hours behind Eastern Time, and 1 hour ahead of Pacific Time. Because the time zone in Costa Rica is so similar to North America, it’s a lot easier to manage each workday.

2. Short Travel Times

If you need your engineers and technical teams to come on-site to your office or a client’s office, it’s a lot faster and cheaper to have them travel from Costa Rica than it would be to bring in engineers from India, China, or Eastern Europe. Costa Rica is a major hub of South American and Central American airlines, and there are lots of cheap flights to and from the country since it is a major tourist hub in Latin America.

3. Bilingual Engineers

Costa Rica has made bilingualism with English a priority in its educational system, and because it’s a major tourist hub for English-speaking people, lots of people in Costa Rica grow up bilingual. There are a lot of skilled bilingual engineers who can communicate effectively in both English and Spanish.

4. Cost-Effective Services to Help Save Money

Because the cost of living in Costa Rica and overall in Latin America is lower than the US and Canada, you can find experienced Technical Staff Augmentation and Full Service Digital Agencies that are willing to work for a better price and provide outstanding software solutions to your specific needs.

5. Highly Skilled, Technically Proficient Developers

The population of Costa Rica is highly educated, and the industry of software development and telecommunications is one of the biggest parts of its economy. This sector grew by 106% between 2008 and 2017 and represents 5.8% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which means that software services now contribute more money to Costa Rica than agriculture!

What does this mean? It means that Costa Rica is full of highly-skilled and technically-proficient developers and IT specialists who are always looking for new projects with multinational companies – and in the future, the talent base in the country will continue to grow!

Costa Rica Software Development Services May Be Right for Your Company!

If you’re in North America and are looking for technical staff augmentation and or nearshore software development services, Costa Rica is the best choice – for the above 5 reasons, and quite a few more.

So, don’t wait. Explore in more detail and take the first steps toward hiring nearshore developers and IT technical experts in Costa Rica!