Technical articles

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Running Multiple Python Versions in Mac OSX

Last few months I have been delving into Data Science and Machine Learning. Both fields are related. In fact, in my opinion Data Science could be considered almost a prerequisite for Machine Learning. These are not only related to data manipulation and statistic concepts, but they are also connected in terms of what program language is commonly used, which is Python. One of the blockers I quickly faced related to

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How To Remove Duplicates In MongoDB

If you ever find yourself in a position where you need to remove duplicate entries on a MongoDB collection, as per version 3.0 you will need to use Aggregation . This might seem a bit confusing because in SQL you only need to use a simple “Group By”, which will display the data fields grouped by certain column like in the following example: Select * From users; | ID |

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How To Develop Skills For Amazon’s Alexa Voice

As of January 2018, it would be a fair bet to say that Amazon’s Alexa is arguably the leading voice recognition service for end users.* The Amazon Appstore for Voice has seen a gigantic surge since its launch in 2015, going from 130 to over 1,400 skills only in the first year. Today there are over 15,000 new skills and many more in approval process. Just as we’ve experienced at

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Survival guide to Backup & Restore MongoDB

Despite being on the market for over a decade, to many, MongoDB still carries a mythical tone with a hint of ‘wizardry’. The popular misconception is that MongoDB is only suitable for hip startups and former startups that are still considered ‘hip’ and out of the box, such as AirBnB. Even with all the buzz and talk around MongoDB, the adoption rate remains relatively low in comparison with other ‘standard’

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Switching from Vagrant to Docker

Setting up a new local environment can be challenging and really time-consuming if you’re doing it from scratch. While this might not be a big deal when working as a single developer on a project, in a team-based scenario it’s important to share the same infrastructure configuration. That’s why we highly recommended using a tool like Docker to simplify the process. Last summer, Jesus Manuel Olivas (Project lead) and I

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A first taste of Drupal theming using Pattern Lab

A few months ago I had the pleasure of starting a new journey in my professional career, joining the weKnow family. This was a natural step after collaborating in the last couple of years with Jesús and Enzo in open source projects like DrupalConsole. Right from the start, working to reach our projects’ milestones has been a really fun adventure, with lots of new knowledge and lessons learned along the

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