Technical articles

Find technical articles written by our team of expert developers.

Web Performance Basics—Also What Makes Gatsby Sites Fast?

At weKnow, we’re all about making the best user experiences for our clients. Whenever we get a project, we always try to ensure that the end product is a smooth UX that comes with a convenient UI and an aesthetically pleasing website layout. Our weapon of choice is, of course, Gatsby and to that end we’re fairly obsessed with the static site generator owing to the superior quality that the

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How do we maintain a powerful team culture within our distributed team

Behind every successful company, there’s a strong team culture as its foundation. Team culture brings together the values, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes shared by a group of individuals who work together for a common goal. It is built overtime through the interaction of people who are constantly sharing their knowledge and support one another. A strong culture gives everyone involved a space to grow personally and it simultaneously implies a

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How to export your Drupal 8 content to Markdown files

This is the second blog post in the series Migrate to Markdown files. You can read the first one How to migrate a Drupal 7 site to Markdown files here. We’ve been asked numerous times how to export Drupal 8 content to markdown files. We have tackled this task by using Drupal Console Snippets and, it was an amazing experience. Regarding dependencies, a library is needed to convert our HTML

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How to create a text/markdown node to process content using Gatsby

Sometimes when building Gatsby sites, there is a need to consume and transform markdown content from a source that is not a markdown file. In our case, it was a JSON file containing markdown data. In this post, we will show you how you can consume markdown content from a JSON file to create a text/markdown node. Finally, I will demonstrate how to render that content using MDX to override

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How to embed React components in markdown using Gatsby, MDX, and short-codes

After finishing a project that involved migrating a Sculpin site to GatsbyJS using MDX to allow embeding React components in markdown files, we decided to publish a series of posts to share our experience. Welcome to the first post of the series. In this post, you will learn how to use MDXRenderer and MDXProvider to embed JSX/React components using short-codes. Why MDX MDX is Markdown for the component era. It

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How to migrate a Drupal 7 site to Markdown files

We decided to migrate our old 7sabores blog site from Drupal7 to Markdown to be consumed using GatsbyJS. The first question was, is there any contributed module available to do that easily? The answer was no. Even in D7, finding a module with this behaviour could be very tricky. The only solution was PHP scripts + D7 Bootstrap + Markdown Library. Let’s get started. First, download the scripts from here.

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